Newspaper Reviews

"But it was very refreshing to hear the Stellenbosch University Symphony Orchestra, now 25 years old, in the Carnival of Animals by Saint-Saens. The orchestra proved to be a first class orchestra under the able baton of Corvin Matei" - Gotftried Maas, Die Burger.

"It was very enjoyable to listen to Corvin Matei conducting the Ballet Suite by Laszlo Dubrovay" - Pieter Koij, Die Burger.

"What an exciting and world-class conductor in Dr Corvin Matei - Bravo!"- E. Slabert, Cape Times.

"Matei conducted the concert decisively and with precision. He controlled the musicians very clearly with the required concentration and the reaction of every section of the orchestra was spot-on"- Mary-Ann Van Rensburg, Die Burger.

"But it was in Tchaikovsky's symphony no. 5 that the orchestra's best was heard. The balance between all instruments was successful and all sections played very well. Matei knows the symphony very well and all the tempi changes were well taken care of. Shortly; a very enjoyable performance" - Pieter Koij, Die Burger.

"The Scottish symphony by Mendelssohn was at a high level artistically performed by Corvin Matei. He is very enthusiastic and energetic, his style showing a European school of German technique" - Petre Chichirdan, Vilcea News, Romania.

"Matei lead the Stellenbosch University's orchestra to success" "Corvin Matei conducted the USSO on a well-chosen program with three different works. The program was short but hard, including highly difficult works for a student orchestra. Matei controlled the musicians very well with all sections of the orchestra being much disciplined. He maintained a good concentration throughout the Arnold van Vyk's symphony and the musicians' reaction was on the spot. A very enjoyable performance" - Mary-Ann van Rensburg, Die Burger.

"Corvin Matei conducted Haydn's master piece The Creation. The Cape Town Chamber Orchestra, the soloists and the Choir were lead by Matei with energy and passion. The orchestral interludes were neatly performed. The ensemble playing and the tone quality were impressive" - Johan du Toit, Die Burger.

"The USSO goes from strength to strength". Corvin Matei had the 60 musicians in good orchestral discipline. The standard of the strings is incredibly high and the winds are also exceptional. The program was cleverly chosen with good works from the orchestral literature and performed with great success. Beethoven's Egmont was played very well, with a lovely finish. Beethoven's symphony no. 7 is a very ambitious work for a student orchestra. The Presto was very fast, very neatly played. Matei had given attention to every small detail and the orchestra responded with an extremely intense concentration, which led to a beautiful climax" - Mary-Ann van Rensburg, Die Burger.

"Matei led the musicians with very good ensemble playing (CTCO) and very good balance between all sections of the orchestra. He conducted with dedication and a contagious enthusiasm, and the big crescendo toward the final climax was really striking" - Peter Koij, Die Burger.

"Corvin Matei deserves any praise as conductor"; "I have enjoyed the dynamic contrast Matei controls so well" - Willem Bester, Die Burger

The Stellenbosch University Orchestra under Corvin Matei has impressed with their stamina and it offered a beautiful, musical rendition of the Karoo symphony by Gedeon Fagan

The Stellenbosch University Symphony Orchestra under Corvin Matei performed the world premiere of Hans Roosenschoon's "Earth, Water, Air and Fire". The composition has complicated, intricate rhythms and sounds patterns which were mastered beautifully. The four elements were portrayed successfully. The strings and the woodwinds (in the low register) gave a feeling of warmth and the brass dominated in tutti, forte passage, sounding like a beautiful Lutheran choral, with a feeling of peace and serenity".

Matei controlled the orchestra with a firm hand, drawing from the musicians a round and full sound.

There was an intimate interpretation of Beethoven symphony no. 5, which can be mostly heard being played too loudly. The USSO played well under Corvin Matei's direction. The reproduction of the symphony had another dimension with fine nuances, which neither were nor heard in previous interpretations.

The USSO under Corvin Matei had the "Lion's share", with fresh playing and firm, but rich in colours, especially in the Mozart overture ("Figaro") and symphony no. 40

The orchestra had played very well under Corvin Matei. He has succeeded well expressing the narrative nature of Korsakov's Scheherazade.

Schubert: Symphony no. 9 "The Great". USSO's interpretation under Corvin Matei was musical and technically the orchestra performed it very well. The ensemble was firm under his baton, and there were really beautiful moments, especially in the third movement.